English Speaking Group

RaidCall ID: 5665894

How become a member

1. Download the raidcall software from below link.

Download page Link

2. Install the software

3. Create an account at below link.

Raidcall signup

4. Run the Raidcall software.

5. Enter your user name and your password and click login.

6. Enter 5665894 at search box.

7. Press Enter key. and wait until the group load completely.

8. Wait until the group load completely.

9. Click on "Apply For Member" icon.

10. You can see "Apply For Membership" window.

First, Write a massage on text box.

Second, click on "Apply For Membership" Button.

10. Wait until the admin accept your membership. It can be take few days.

How use raidcall software

0. Install Raidcall software and register as member according up guidance

1. Run the Raidcall software.

2. Enter your user name and your password and click login.

3. Enter 5665894 at search box.

4. Press Enter key. and wait until the group load completely.

5. Wait until the group load completely.

* You can see rooms list and online members on the left side of raidcall software. You can enter into a room by clicking on its name.

* You can press F2 and talk. In other words, you must press F2 and talk when you want to talking and do not press F2 when you want to listening.